More than Just a Piece of Cork

As a CA at my school, I'm required to make four bulletin boards each semester for my floor. Technically, it's actually eight since I have a bulletin board on each wing, but I digress. To me, a bulletin board is much more than that. It's a way to share information, provide something for residents, and have way too much fun being creative.

I know there are CAs who detest making bulletin boards, but it's one of my favorite parts of this job! Below are some of my favorite bulletin boards that I've made as a CA throughout the past 2 years.

The Cal-Opoly board is the first board I ever made. It's a spoof on the game Monopoly. I looked up various buildings on campus, ranging from various halls to the newly built parking garage and convocation center.  Each square also included information about each building, and what is housed there.  I also included putting the four Residence Hall Directors where the railroads would go, campus police as jail, etc.  The board won me best bulletin board in my residence hall, and overall.  (Interestingly enough, I made coordinating door tags where each resident was a property color, and I just so happened to have 44 residents, so excluding myself, each color was used as if there had  been two boards.)

One of my most popular boards that I did last fall was one about living with a roommate, since many students have never had to share a room before. The idea was based on the popular TV show (and one of my personal favorites) The Big Bang Theory. Two characters in the show share an apartment and one has quite an extensive roommate agreement.

In addition, I try to keep in mind what is coming up in a resident's life whenever I make bulletin boards. For example, my last set of bulletin boards last semester was due a few days before finals week was to begin, so it only seemed appropriate to do a board with tips for alleviating stress. This board was inspired by the popular game Angry Birds. A lot of my residents are fans of the game, so they really enjoyed this.

Similar to the Angry Birds inspired bulletin board, I have also previously designed a board based off of the game Plants vs. Zombies (which is quite addictive!). This board offered tips on getting a good night's sleep, which often seems impossible in college. Ironically enough, I suffered from insomnia off and on after I made this board...

And sometimes, I just like making fun boards.  Such examples would be the movie facts trivia.  Another is the board which is a collage of PostSecrets.  For those who have not heard of PostSecret, it is a website run by Frank Warren, who collects secrets written on postcards from all over the world.  He posts them on his website as well as publishing them in books.

I was fortunate enough to see him talk my sophomore year with some friends, one of whom is the reason I'm now a CA. (I actually also tweeted a picture of this bulletin board to Frank's Twitter feed, and he retweeted it to his followers. I couldn't believe it!)

Below is a link to some of the bulletin boards I've written about here, as well as others.

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